
Job Ready Program (JRP) - Jassal Consultancy

Job Ready Program (JRP) Overview

Our Job Training for Immigration program is designed to empower individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to enhance their employability in a new country. Whether you are immigrating for work opportunities or seeking career growth in your adopted homeland, our training program focuses on equipping you with the necessary tools for success.

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  • Skill Assessment
  • Cultural Integration
  • Job Search Strategies
  • Industry-Specific Training
  • Legal and Employment Guidelines
  • Mentorship and Support
  • Career guidance session
  • Get Your Resume Ready

Key features of our Job-Ready Training for Immigration program include:

Skill Enhancement: Tailored courses and workshops to enhance your skills in alignment with the local job market demands. This may include language proficiency, industry-specific certifications, and soft skills development.


Cultural Integration: Understanding the local work culture is crucial for professional success. Our program includes modules on cultural sensitivity, workplace etiquette, and effective communication in a multicultural environment.


Job Search Strategies: Practical guidance on job search techniques, resume building, and interview preparation. We provide insights into the local job market, connecting you with valuable resources and networking opportunities.


Industry-Specific Training: Specialized training for specific industries or professions, ensuring that you are well-prepared and competitive in your chosen field.


Legal and Employment Guidelines: Clear explanations of local employment laws, regulations, and guidelines. This includes information on work permits, visa requirements, and other legal Considerations.


Mentorship and Support: Access to mentorship programs and support networks to help you navigate the challenges of starting a career in a new country. Read, listen, and then speak in response to a question.

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Skill assessment
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Improve your reading, writing, and listening skills with the Foundation Skills for Your career.

Improve your English
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Skills Assessment Pilots for Migrants

The Australian Government’s Skills Assessment Pilots aim to maximise workforce participation for skilled migrants living in Australia and to help address critical workforce shortages.

The Skills Assessment Pilots provide:

- Free and fast-tracked skills assessments for eligible migrants on refugee, humanitarian, family or partner visas, as well as secondary entrants of skilled visa holders.

- Free employability assessments and subsidized training to eligible migrants working below their skill level.